You know...God is so good...just every once in a while when I'm needing a pick-me-up He brings just what I need...I've been feeling a little overwhelmed with the task at hand: raising children and attempting to keep a household running...
this morning Sterling ran into the kitchen as I was starting breakfast and said,"Quick-momma, come look out the door!" So, I did and what did I see? A bird...just sitting on our welcome mat at the back door. I think it must've flown into the glass and stunned itself or something, but we opened the door and it just sat there, so I slowly reached out and stroked it's head and it closed it's eyes and leaned into my touch. I thought it must have a broken wing or something, so I slowly picked it up and checked it over...nothing was wrong with it. No broken bones, no bleeding, no discharge from eyes or nose or just perched on my finger and looked around at us. We went and sat on the couch thing outside and we were talking to it and it just continued to chill out checking us over. I asked Sterling to go get the camera and when he did Dyoji came outside and startled it a bit, so it hopped to the coffee table and just looked around...we put Dyoji back inside and took a few pictures of it and I said, "Thank you for visiting us today." It looked around and flew off...anyway it was pretty sweet and I feel much calmer and uplifted...thought I'd share!
See you didn't need that darn bird bath after all. You just attract everything naturally. hehehe Oh and nothing says welcome more than a mat on your back porch hanging over your furniture. hahaha
LOL....I am the beast master! LOL!!! my bird bath has so many leaves in it, it almost looks like I filled it to make some sort of a statement! And,the mat is actually on the ground in front of the door now...I'm welcoming the birds apparently...and the dog as she comes back inside!
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