Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Shiny objects are my Acheles' Heel!

I saw this bumper sticker one day when we finished our hike to Moanawili Falls....I laughed so hard-I need that bumper sticker! I had to take a picture, I thought Christy would especially appreciate it!


Christy said...

Totally funny but it would be a little better if the sticker itself was glittery or reflective or something. I don't think you will ever have this bumper sticker though because you would go to buy it and something else would distract you. hahaha

sunshyneshanny said... was both glittery and reflective, but it didn't show up in the picture! You know me oh so well!

Momma said...

My glowing Shanny Sunshine! No wonder you like shiney things....
they are just reflecting your brightness because YOU shine so bright! You walk in love & light!
To our delight...